Monday, April 26, 2010

Office Office


It was as if someone has reached down my throat and pulled my heart out along with intestines (doctors and anyone practical enough will balk at this) but when it comes to Sachin Tendulkar(King of Gods) how can one be practical....
All i can say is I am with YOU Sachin
There is always the next time........
TIll then
Duniya hila denge...

Just when you thought

Enough has been written about life and its coincidences and the proabitlity and all of it.Well here is my contribution to it.
Just when you thought it is time to give up, there comes a spark of inspiration that drags you along with it at the speed of light and life becomes normal
Just when you thought you are down and out..there comes a gust of energy that picks you up and life restores itself
Just when you thought that there is darkness all around...there comes a ray of light that makes you see things they way they are not....
At the end of it when you are trying to solve these puzzles of life you realise that it was no one else but you who---
gave yourself a spark of inspiration
was the gust of energy
and was the one who lit that flame

Keep going...your time is coming

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Lost something?

How do you feel when u lose something...anything or something that was important to you,...something that was special..something that set you apart..something that was your identity?? well i have lost my ability to write and write well....hoping to get it back through my blog.....

hard place ME rock

sweet summer breeze

aahh...the smell of mango blossoms...the sound of koel coooing...the dry summer breeze bringing with it a lovely mix of smells...all this is history...things that i would tell my children for now the only smell is that of petrol...the only cooing(read blasting) is of car horns and the breeze is a truck or bus going i pine for those days of old when april first week would signal the end of exams and beginning of cricket matches and club fights...selections and the winnings...losing as well(sore loser)...well now replaced by office fights..client fights.. and only losing(perks of being the juniormost in the team)

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Talking at night

Why is it that the best conversations happen in the night. Is it that our brains suddenly become super functional conversationalists or is it who you talk to?
Having one such conversation now